Lies, Lies and More Lies. Donald Trump Lies had just topped over 1,000 since taking office.

The Phrase for today is “Lies, Lies and More Lies.” Donald Trump has now been in office 214 days, and in that time Trump has topped telling over 1,000 lies, which averages out to almost 5 lies a day, okay if you want to more exact it’s 4.6 lies per day. Who do you know that tells that many lies a day? If your girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse lied to you that much would you marry that person or stay married to a person that lied to you that much? The fact remains that Trump has been lying like this his whole life and yet people flocked to him and voted for him, and what’s really strange is the Evangelical Christians that claim they live and adhere strictly to the teachings of the Bible, who know that lying is a sin embraced Donald Trump and his lying and voted for him, because they believe that it was expedient to do so as long as they got what they wanted and that was a Conservative Supreme Court Judge out of it, and if they got only that, then voting for a liar was worth it all, and they can chalk it up as a win for their cause. This is a misguided goal for them and stands juxtapose to what the Bible teaches about lying. Revelations 21:8 and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.  Jesus spoke in John 8:44 at the end of that verse he spells out quite clearly how God feels about lying and where it originated from ” for he is a liar, and the father of it, ” referring to Satan. Look let’s be honest, no man who Truly follows Christ lies as much as Donald Trump, and Trump himself says that he never asks for forgiveness of anything. So, if you don’t believe that you have anything to repent of and there is no reason for you to ask God for Forgiveness, that eliminates you from receiving Salvation and being a Christian. Max Lucado of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio Texas says that’s like a man claiming to be a professional swimmer and says that he never gets wet. Now, since Donald Trump has taken office what have we gotten positive out of his great ability to lie on daily basis? We’ve gotten Chaos, Racial hatred and division and a dishonest president that stood up for White Supremacist, neo-Nazis, The Alt-Right and Ku Klux Klan. What we’ve got sitting in the Oval office is the biggest National and International embarrassment, and International Pariah. Germany, Australia, Great Britain and other nations were shocked to hear Donald Trump come out in that press conference last Tuesday and equate Nazis who were chanting “The Jews will not replace us” as good people too. The world stood back in shock and said America has lost their moral clarity and authority to lead the rest of the world. The rest of the World now hangs their head in shame about what has happened to America. Maya Angelou once said “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” and let everyone say Amen. I believed who Donald Trump showed me who he was back in 1970 when he was sued by the DOJ for housing discrimination. There is no difference from the 1970 Donald Trump and the 2017 President Donald Trump, he is the same Racist liar he was way back then as he is now. I once recently said that being blind to the truth is a choice, people make a conscious decision to be blind, and only believe what they want to believe. This is an act of trying to protect their own mind from the hurt of what the Truth brings and what the Truth destroys by accepting it. The Truth destroys the lie and pretense that people have built up to insulate their hearts from being hurt from knowing the truth. But here is some comfort for Christians that voted for lying Donald Trump, John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


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